Friday, April 6, 2012

Cancer of the colon symptoms can be detected early

Norwegian scientists are trying to develop a new method to detect cancer of the colon symptoms early. The goal is to create a simple test that can be used in screening, to save lives.

Each year, about 3,500 Norwegians cancer of the colon. Cancer is the second most common among Norwegian women and men today. Moreover, Norway stand out with the highest rate of cancer in Europe and the highest level in the Nordic countries.

Discovered too late
However, many are not diagnosed until it is too late to cure the disease.

-cancer of the colon symptoms is often detected late because the symptoms are so diffuse. The disease is the end stage of a process over many years. Small polyps grow and can develop cell changes and become a malignant tumor. If the disease is detected early, the chances of survival very good. Those who have no tumor spread have 90 percent chance of being healthy, says researcher Guro Elisabeth Lind at Department of Cancer Prevention at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, the University of Oslo's research magazine Apollon.

If the cancer has spread to the liver or lungs before it is detected, the outlook is generally very poor. Today, bowel cancer is usually diagnosed after a colonoscopy examination, which is a complicated and time-consuming examination of the inside of the intestine. There is also a test that detects blood in the stool.

However, when the patient has already usually the feeling that something is wrong and has gone to the doctor. The aim has been to find a test that is easy to use, and that can detects cancer of the colon symptoms at an early stage.

Can save lives
Lind and scientist colleagues have light in the cells' genetic material to look for cancer of the colon symptoms. According to Apollo, they have come up with so-called biomarkers that identify specific gene mutations in colorectal tumors. These markers tell that something is about to happen. Researchers have identified six such biomarkers, which they hope to put together a panel so you can distinguish healthy subjects from those who have precancerous lesions.

-That we have well just that, has attracted international interest. The markers are unique and gives hope that it is possible to identify colorectal tumors at a very early stage, says Lind Research magazine.

There are still several years of work before such a test could be ready to use. If the scientists create such a test, it should be possible to detect abnormal cells by testing people's stool.

It is especially older people with an average age of 68 to 70 years who suffer from cancer. When the test is developed, it should offer the entire population over a certain age at the Annual Health Check. It can save many lives, says the researcher to Apollo.

Calls for Strategy
Today there are only screening for cervical cancer (Pap smear) and breast cancer (mammography) in Norway. It should be no screening for colorectal cancer in Norway. Many countries in Europe offer such investigations, for example, all over 50 years, to detect potential tumors in the gut early.

Cancer Society believes it is time that you either create a strategy for such screening to be introduced in Norway, because cancer of the colon symptoms affects many, or often discovered too late.

-Cancer Society recommends that formulated a strategy for colorectal screening (colorectal cancer, editor.) In Norway with a cost-benefit and risk assessment, said Cancer Society secretary general Anne Lise Ryel.

Last year, the Knowledge Centre for Health Services, a review of available methods for screening, commissioned by the Health Directorate. It showed that screening tests where if there is blood in the stool, may reduce mortality from colon and rectal cancer by 15 percent. However, internationally, it is not stated what kind of method that works best. According to the research magazine lacks health care today, a good technique to detect tumors early.

-Norwegian health authorities are continuously evaluating the need for introducing new screening programs, and is aware that many other European countries have introduced screening for bowel cancer, according to Health and Care Services in an e-mail about cancer of the colon symptoms.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cancer of the colon symptoms screening save your lifestyle

Cancer of the colon symptoms is a form of the disease.

very difficult to discover the current. You have to remember that cancer could be treated successfully if diagnosed early it is. If it grows too hard steps, the chances of cancer in particular viciousness of this type of disease is treated has cut down on various parts of the body and other internal organs.

To begin with, not the signs and cancer of the colon symptoms appears in all the clients when the melanoma is ongoing. This is exactly what makes it difficult to diagnose. This is one reason why doctors and oncologists need people, according to a joint check-up for colon melanoma tests.

The simple fact that it is a type of cancer tumors, the number 2 from the list of killers may be conditions, an assessment should be someone for many forms of cancer of the colon symptoms in your family receive all the data. Saved, that the best-known problem that the likelihood is increased colon cancer hypercalcemia to develop inside your body unhealthy diet plan.

Because of the materials and the progress and the pills are sprayed in the food we eat today is injected, could ensure you never really know whether you can enjoy right. In addition, eating fatty foods and foods that raise only a small net increase in fiber also take your risk of acquiring this toxic state. Although colon cancer malignancy is large, continuous to say no, then the statistics will still be huge. In fact, research has found that each year about 100 000 people are informed that they have this

Form of many forms of cancer. Half the people say they have this killer disease is not life or runs through the suffering. In essence, it is important to acquire as a way to find cancer early in malignancy within a corresponding colon cancer malignancy scanned Medical Clinic. If you are not almost anything drastically wrong with the human body feel you should have handled it can wait patiently cancer cellular material with your colon on the right circumstances, lurking cancer.

Mostly, the signs and symptoms that people with colon, which is thought to many forms of cancer, systematically or regularly irregular always assigned problems for more than 7 days. The stool is usually a lot thinner and is often sold with our blood. It is also possible to suffer from bloating and cramping stomach feels pain, and you will probably experience weight loss in a short time.

Is exactly what the system is operating properly, plus the professional on-site cleaning by y-rays UV, pussy-cat runs, consuming colon, blood vessels and stool samples? In this article, they can determine whether many forms of cancer cells can be found. It should be, they will confirm this and check if you find any growths in the colon. If you can, they should do, to see a bit of screening, whether are noncancerous or cancerous. Generally, benign tumors usually not taken out mainly because they have no chance to offer the affected person. Nevertheless, several people understand it took away for fear that can convert the non-cancerous in a malignant cancer well first

Basic fundamental problems that you have to remember about many forms of colon cancer. By visiting a cancer of the colon symptoms screening device for normal, you will be able to determine whether this large fault or not, you can, and if you have, it will still be recognized and treated promptly received from specialists.

Cancer of the colon symptoms facts

Interesting facts about cancer of the colon symptoms

With one summarizes the cancer diseases or malignant tumors in the intestine. Typical symptoms include diarrhea, cancer, fatigue, constipation, abdominal pain and bleeding.

These signs or cancer of the colon symptoms, however, in the late stage of the disease, which makes prevention even more important diagnostics. Finally, there are good chances of cure of colon cancer if the disorder is still at an early stage.

Scientific studies have led to the conclusion that cancer is in the Federal Republic of Germany to the most common cancers. Approximately thirty thousand people die each year from colon cancer.

With six percent of the risk of cancer of the colon symptoms is diagnosed at relatively high for all Germans.

Of the persons concerned must be counted for about one-third risk group in terms of a potential colon cancer. They have a specific genetic susceptibility, which have already led to a vicious relative's bowel disease.

Especially strong is the age group of affected people through over fifty years of cancer symptoms. With over ninety percent of those diagnosed with colorectal cancer, colorectal cancer occurs most frequently. It is a mutation from benign polyps.

The prognosis in colorectal cancer is on average fifty percent. They increase if the cancer is detected early on and take off steadily with the development time of tumor tissue.

However, relevant prevention bids are used regarding cancer in the German population still rarely. It has, for example, found that only five percent of the use of forty-five men of this free offer of medical care.

Characteristics of cancer cells

Compared to healthy tissue has a mutated cancer cell is not only an altered number of chromosomes and a significantly higher cellular growth speed and direction, but it also has other special features. The reasons for the high resistance of cancer tissues to neutralize medical tests.

Example, cancer cells, unlike healthy cells of the human organism is able to survive without oxygen, to integrate into foreign tissues such as bone or brain and grow rapidly. They act as if a parasite there by the stove destroyed existing healthy tissue cancer, develops limits the functionality of organs and its own special system for nutrients.

However, most of all is the migration of cancer cells throughout the body and the associated formation of metastases, the risk of fatal cancer. This applies also relative to cancer of the colon symptoms.

Scientific medical research has led to the conclusion that almost all cancers are fatal ending traceable to the functional limitations caused by metastases of the metabolic system. For example, a tumor can lead to compression of a blood vessel. From the resulting ischemia results in the death of that tissue.

Among the factors that define risk groups in terms of bowel cancer, which include age, genetic susceptibility, and colorectal cancer in close relatives, obesity, metabolic disorders with elevated insulin levels in diabetes, high blood pressure and inflammation of the colon mucosa.

The detection of colon polyps can also be assessed as a risk factor for the development of cancer of the colon symptoms. In addition, persons who have an unhealthy, i.e., low-fiber diet with plenty of meat to operate, moving around too much and have a high alcohol and nicotine consumption, often affected by cancer of the colon symptoms.

Importance of early detection

The prospect of a complete cure of cancer symptoms increase significantly when the cell mutation has not been exceeded in the early stages of bowel. Then, very good prospects of full recovery.

In order to avoid serious treatments and to use in case of timely diagnosis of colorectal cancer treatment options given, preventive options should be used regularly.

Since 2002, the health system of the Federal Republic of Germany makes about every five years free check-ups by a specialist doctor for stomach and intestinal diseases cancer of the colon symptoms. For the first time you use this option when you reach the fifty-fifth birthday.

If during the screening of colorectal polyps, no cancer diagnosed and there are no symptoms, you go from a ten-year protection for the occurrence of this disease.

Prevention by stool test

The most important preventive measures for the diagnosis of cancer of the colon symptoms hot seat test, virtual colonoscopy and colonoscopy:

The stool test is one of the classic studies in colorectal cancer screening. Here, a stool sample is tested in the medical laboratory contained blood. This is a symptom of bowel cancer. Furthermore, by analyzing the pyruvate kinase-value is determined. This growth promoting substance forming tumor cells as opposed to healthy tissue.

Diagnosis using virtual colonoscopy

This modern diagnostic procedures performed by use of a computer tomography. It is painless and leads to a virtual, spatial image of the colon by use of X-rays.

The virtual colonoscopy can detect abnormal tissue accumulation. Since this method the entire abdominal indoor maps in three dimensions, is to determine whether there is any visible cell mutations.

Therapeutic option colonoscopy

To clarify symptoms of colorectal cancer is a colonoscopy is. This one introduces a flexible endoscope into the rectum. This resembles a narrow tube, in which the front is a micro-camera integrated with a light source.

The lens produces image that allow the experienced practitioners insights into the inside of the intestine examined. In addition, the endoscope is provided with a wire loop in order to remove polyps in the intestinal wall. Straight polyps can over time mutate into malignant tumor tissue.

A colonoscopy is painless and takes about twenty minutes. Depending on the request, the patient is examined in a lateral position during the investigation, a short sleep syringe or is given; he viewed the images on the unique nature of his intestines on a monitor.

Necessary conditions for colonoscopy are the empty gut and the delivery of a specific amount of fluid the day before.

Polyps treated

If the physician during the examination for colorectal cancer polyps fixed, they can be removed with an endoscope located on the loop. At this point in the development of cancer of the colon symptoms is prevented. Polyps in the bowel are thus very serious cancer symptoms.

The removal of polyps is usually during a colonoscopy. A malignant tumor is removed in an operation together with some intestinal segments.

Successfully treated patients after treatment often show psychological abnormalities. These include sleep disturbances, shortness of breath, depression, and inactive behavior.

Even insofar cancer of the colon symptoms lasting negative impact on social participation in the private and professional environment.

cancer of the colon symptoms to light

Cancer of the colon symptoms can be easier to detect. Using a newly developed medical contrast medium and advanced optics are dangerous polyps invisible made visible.

- It has been too little attention to Cancer of the colon symptoms. Cancers have been in the shadow of cancer of the prostate, breast and lung. We see this both in the media and in the research, said Geir Torheim by GE Healthcare.

In Norway, one of 24 women and one of 29 men colorectal cancer. Of the 3,500 victims annually, only about half alive five years after diagnosis.

- We believe it is very much to be gained by improving the diagnosis of this disease, says Torheim.

He has led a project to suggest that we can make it far easier to detect, and thus remove the most dangerous cancer polyphenol in the colon.


Contrast fluid is called GE-137 is "homing". This means that it is looking forward to cancer, after the patient has received the injected through a needle in your arm.

Cancer of the colon symptoms has apparently been quite easy to detect by colonoscopy in the colon. A tube with a camera on the end has made it possible to see the knot-shaped polyps. Through an instrument in the same line is polyps removed.

Now, one becomes aware that not only are these highly visible polyps that are dangerous.

- It was the Japanese doctors who first discovered that there are also some flat or sunken polyps in the colon. These are much harder to spot.

- Long believed that only Asians who developed these flat polyps in the colon, because it was only in Asia, they found them. Now we know that there were simply that the Japanese were better at detecting them, says Torheim.

New instrument

After about a half hour, the substance of GE Healthcare in Norway has developed, recorded in areas where there is cancer.
It is then the second part of this cancer project comes into play. It has in fact developed colonoscopy system and camera equipment used in the study to detect Cancer of the colon symptoms.

The new case in brief that the instrument now also sends out a strong red light. The contrast agent modifies the color of the red light, and the new camera equipment - along with the normal color image, detects this.

Making it easier for the surgeon

How can the job be much easier for the surgeon using camera equipment and monitor the operating table?

Contrast fluid is tested in animal models. The researchers are now working on a so-called phase one study in humans.

GE Healthcare has investigated the effect of the compound in healthy human volunteers. So far, they have not detected any adverse effects. However, studies like this must be done carefully and takes time.

These are lights on Cancer of the colon symptoms.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cancer of the colon symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Colon cancer in Germany is the second most common cancer, With early cancer of the colon symptoms diagnosis and treatment, the survival rate is high.

Each year, nearly 70,000 new cases diagnosed in Germany from colorectal carcinoma. This is according to the statistics of cancer after lung cancer in both sexes and prostate cancer in men, the second most common malignancy. In international comparison, Germany is thus at the top. Experts make dietary and lifestyle habits responsible. So, an excessive intake of calories with too small a proportion of plant foods, physical inactivity and obesity promote the emergence of a malignant intestinal tumor. Smoking, the undisputed cause of lung cancer may also have some influence on the development of cancer of the colon symptoms. Similarly, excessive use of alcohol as a risk factor is considered.

cancer of the colon symptoms and Diagnosis.

As with almost all cancers, the first cancer of the colon symptoms appear only at a relatively late stage and are rather non-specific initially, for hardly anyone thinks flatulence and minor digestive problems directly to a malignant disease. The tumor must have been quite large before it narrows the bowel so that the continuity is disabled and can no longer pass through the feces without hindrance, thus resulting symptoms of constipation, but are also rather unspecific, because not many people have problems with a Regular, easy running toilet. Curiously, however, it can also lead to diarrhea, because the tumor can affect the colon in its operation so that the pre-digested chyme is prematurely withdrawn fluid and excreted. Constipation and diarrhea often occur, however, in alternation.

If the bowel is narrowed by the tumor growth over a longer distance, a very thin form caused the deposed chair, which is described in the textbook as a "pencil-like chair." The feces may contain blood or mucus. The mucus is increasingly produced by the tumor irritable bowel wall, the blood can leak out from both the intestinal wall as well as the tumor itself, but also be so small that it with the naked eye does not perceptible, but only by a special stool examination, such as the classic hemoccult test, can be identified. Also, pain usually occurs only at a relatively late stage.

The current standard diagnostic procedures for colorectal cancer are colonoscopy (colonoscopy), X-ray with and without contrast medium, CT, sonography, stool examination for blood and other markers and blood tests.

Treatment and therapy of cancer: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy
The first option is surgery, which is used in all stages of the question. Depending on the location of the tumor removal via an abdominal incision, but also an intervention of the rectum is possible. Sometimes it is necessary for defecation a colostomy (colostomy) to apply to the newly operated segment of the intestine is reduced. Depending on location, size and individual circumstances can be a temporary measure or a permanent solution is necessary.

Radiation therapy is mainly for larger tumors in the rectum. Often the Strahlentherpie is performed before surgery to achieve a reduction of the tumor. After an operation, possibly to rest any remaining cancer cells are destroyed.

Also, chemotherapy can be applied before surgery to shrink the tumor mass and thus the procedure is less invasive and thus more risky. Postoperative treatment with cytostatic drugs will be necessary if already metastases at diagnosis were discovered and the disease has progressed despite surgery.

Colonoscopy for early detection of  cancer of the colon symptoms .

With a colonoscopy, the 55th from a screening of the health insurance Age is offered free of charge, can cancer of the colon symptoms be detected early and treated. Unlike many other cancers, it is possible to discover that there may be cancer at such an early stage that it can be cured. An early detected cancer that has not spread to other organs currently has a chance of recovery 90-100 percent.

Other interesting information about cancer and cancer screening, cancer of the colon symptoms.

cancer of the colon symptoms changes in a stool or blood in the stool

cancer of the colon symptoms of malignancy may be missing most of the time. However, if indicators noted, they are things like a series of adjustments in the stool or intestinal behaviors (i. age associated constipation) included. Colorectal cancer is often known as a digestive tract cancers, most often seen a malignant (dangerous) cancer development in a part of the colon, the typical cancer-website.

many forms cancer of the colon symptoms and causes.

Most of the time hypercalcemia no signs or cancer of the colon symptoms are likely to appear in the early stages of the terms. After that, create indicators, for example:

Soft or dark, tarry stool colon cleanse

Stomach pain or pain

Assigned or irregular bowel movements or stool filters

Mysterious Weight Loss


Many instances of entry to be harmless (Neo-malignant) polyps, which slowly but surely to cancer. Explanation for cancer of the colon symptoms many forms of cancer are not well understood, but risks are currently over 60, taking a diet plan low roughage and in fats and red meat, are the African American or Japanese American kind, an early appropriate most cancers in other places around the body or colon polyps, a good tract inflammation disease (i. ourite. disease Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), a family reputation to use colon most cancers, tobacco and a drink.

Colon Melanoma is one of the factors behind Premiere melanoma similar accidents in the U.S... Having said that, is quite a treat sometimes possible by an initial forecast.

Colon Melanoma Prognosis and treatment method

Observation in the above-mentioned indicators may lead to an analysis, many moments of the condition is discovered by an actual physical audit program. Early detection of packets can be determined for individuals at high risk, detects the blood vessels in the feces (on sale at most chemists).

If data, an actual physical examination, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy showed back button or barium-uv radiation from the colon can be an ideal study performed. Cardiovascular tests can be possibly taken carefully, anemia and fecal occult blood, a test (FOBT) can small amounts of the body in feces diagnose propose that cancer can be purchased.

Method of treatment depends on the cancer has progressed and in case there are other areas of the body to pass. Surgical procedures get rid of cancer cells are carried out frequently. Medical procedures could be any excuses for a colostomy, which is a thought in the gut as a starting point in the stomach walls. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can also be recommended to destroy cancerous tissue. These are the most helpful treatments for cancer after you make sure of cancer of the colon symptoms.

do you know cancer of the colon symptoms in children??

Cancer of the colon symptoms in children
 Has been much the disease has become so threatening to the lives of our children, and parents, unfortunately, do not understand that the reason is to take their children type of game with colorful and beautiful colors that hide behind death ... He is a last resort to find out more if you love your children and they are afraid of diseases.........

Means for early detection and treatment of cancer of the colon symptoms

Warnings from eating junk food and fatty... Chemotherapy and radiation reduce relapse patient

cancer of the colon symptoms in children is colon and rectal cancer from malignant diseases that were available a lot of information on the mechanism they arise, these tumors arise through imbalances many genetic sequences occur in the cells of the mucous membrane of the colon, speak the tumors benign begins as a lump of change across multiple stages to malignant tumors.
It is important to diagnose these bumps and eradication in a correct and complete then examined fully so that we can cut these benign tumors at an early stage before its transformation into malignant tumors and then required for these patients to follow-up ongoing laparoscopic in the stages of patrol on a regular schedule until we discover the emergence of bumps new We can fully eradicated at an early stage.

There are several genetic diseases known to be associated with the emergence of cancer of the colon symptoms in children are widely associated with either gene (FAP) or other genes. And people who hold these genes or who have a family story of the emergence of a satisfactory cancer of the colon symptoms, they must undergo a thorough medical supervision as of middle age.

As for the environmental factors that can affect the development of cancer of the colon symptoms, is known of them in this area a little, but we know that constipation, such as, fatty foods and weight gain factors known to influence the emergence of diseases of the colon in general, including tumors, whether benign or malignant. These things are connected, it handled large amounts of fatty meals lead to a reduction of fiber in food, and this so leads to constipation and lead to weight gain as well, so we find that the relationship among these tumors and the environment is not fully clear.

Dr. Abdul Rahim continental consultative hematology and oncology and director of the Center Continental Medical, talks about this area, pointing out that there are studies showing a link cancer of the colon symptoms foods fatty or grilled meat, where it was said that these foods where organic material is burned completely, such as carbohydrates lead to the emergence of tumors in the colon. There are other reports deny this relationship.

It is important to warn of fast food because they contain a large proportion of saturated fat in particular, leading to weight gain and increased constipation may be some of these fast foods exposed to the vapors and fumes. There have been reports of serious turn in the emergence of cancer of the colon symptoms in children, even if the reports were inconclusive.

Among the most important symptoms that show the presence of cancer of the colon symptoms, a change in the habits of the output was not the patient's familiar with before, such as the occurrence of constipation for a long time, or the volatility of constipation with diarrhea with some pain in the abdominal area or exit of blood in the stool, so it should a person attention to any change in the habits of the output it has.

* Early detection

* cancer of the colon symptoms in children of the few malignant diseases can be detected early, effectively. There are three important tools for this are:

An examination for occult blood in the stool.

2 Partial Endoscopy of the colon.

3 full endoscope of the colon.

For the examination of occult blood in the stool, it is a simple test, easy and cheap is not associated with complications, but this method is limited effectiveness, because there are several malignant tumors do not produce bleeding, cancer of the colon symptoms and some nutritional factors give the examination is positive, which is in Truth does not refer to a malignant disease or any other disease.

For the colonoscopy partial or total: it is more accurate, but it is fraught with more complications and cost more too, especially macro-theorizing.

It is important to know that those who suffer from chronic inflammation in the colon such as ulcerative colitis or disease (Crohn's) have the greatest potential for the emergence of tumors of the colon and rectum to have, especially those who suffer from ulcerative colitis. It is advisable that some of these patients do a full removal of the colon and the prevention of the occurrence of this malignant disease. However, this is linked to various factors such as disease activity and duration of occurrence and so on.

Extensive studies and show that many patients who receive chemotherapy after complete tumor eradication are the proportion of relapse have a lower rate than those who do not receive this treatment. Modern medicine has gone through in the past decades, different types of chemotherapy until we got in the last decade to modern forms of it highly effective with a good degree of safety in terms of side effects. And scientifically proven that the rectum tumors, after surgery, you need to radiotherapy to the pelvis where the lower incidence of relapse in that region, even if the full elimination of the tumor, and the patient was given chemotherapy. During the follow-up to the patient through the first years after the surgery being doctors examination laboratory on blood reveals protein abnormally produced by cancer cells and therefore can benefit from the analysis of this protein is naturally labeled CEA in the detection of relapse after surgery or disclosure of the patient's response to chemotherapy and radiation. However, the use of this laboratory analysis for early detection of tumors of the rectum, and cancer of the colon symptoms are incorrect because this analysis laboratory rises only in advanced cases, it is also important to note that rises in some benign tumors. Wide range of scientific studies proving benefit the patient from surgical treatments even if there was a setback in the liver or the lungs or in the ovaries (for women). This is beside modern treatment methods using modern chemical drugs or using drugs or medications of modern immunological directed against receptors that direct some of the factors of cell growth, or directed against the blood vessels feeding the tumor, I hope this help everyone to know cancer of the colon symptoms in children.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What is cancer of the colon symptoms?

My wife suffers from severe constipation for more than a month and a half, and weighing less significantly and without apparent reason, and you feel tired, but not always, also complaining about the large number of gases, and sometimes I have said on the feces accompanied with mucus,I read about cancer of the colon symptoms and found it applies to some extent, are there other diseases apply the above symptoms?

Another question:
I had asked you before about the problem my wife is summarized in the following:

My wife started a program LOSS (leaving dinner in whole) after the doctor advised her that it was suffering from pains in the back, then after that pregnancy has occurred and is now in its third month.

Before Ramadan began in the district of former fast in spite of the symptoms of pregnancy because she was vomiting so much and for 15 days was fast and deal with only one bread per day, and after the holy month of fasting which continued to suffer from nausea and vomiting.

With constipation gradually began to fast the first to become chronic, and began to decrease weight and clearly (lost about 9 kg of weight).

Two days after the feast we have conducted a test of the stool and the presence of blood turned out to note that there is no trace of blood with the naked eye.

Advised the doctor's work perspective and perhaps doubt in the presence of cancer of the colon symptoms, God forbid, then eased constipation, and is now for three days excreted almost normal; where she has no difficulty in the output, and increased the amount of stool outside and thick, and the fatigue and fatigue subsided also became involved in the events without feeling very tired as before.

My question is: Do you still have to do the work of the telescope necessary? Is it still the possibility of cancer exists?

Please advice.
In the name of God the Merciful
Mr. Brother / Mubarak, May Allah protect him.
Peace be on you and God's mercy and blessings be on you,

For the first question:

In such cases of constipation the new as well as associated symptoms such as weight loss, and fatigue, especially if any blood in the stool, whether analyzing stool for blood or seeing blood, these symptoms require a medical examination, has resorted doctor for a telescope of the colon to make sure there are cancer of the colon symptoms.

Many causes of constipation, you know, it is associated with symptoms such as symptoms that complaining about your wife, the fatigue and weight loss, it is these reasons, for example, lack of activity of the thyroid gland, which are accompanied by constipation in the sense of cold, fatigue and lethargy.

And constipation caused by certain medications may be associated with him also a lack of appetite, and weight loss due to a lack of appetite, and may cause constipation when the patient's fear of eating, and therefore lack of weight, and because of lack of food the patient feels tired and fatigue, but be sure, and rule out the presence of tumor in the colon , especially if cancer of the colon symptoms persist, the first thing is being a medical examination, medical tests and then, the poverty found in the blood, and found blood in the stool analysis, then it must be done laparoscopic.

For the second question:

Then, the constipation may have several reasons, including vomiting, lack of food, lack of fluids and vegetables in the food, and may be feeling tired and fatigue due to not eating enough food.

But what is worrying is the presence of blood in the stool analysis of feces, it was sure of it again and again, it must know the cause of the blood, and here it must be noted that if she was eating iron tablets can cause constipation, and may cause that the analysis of blood stool positive false because of the iron.

And sometimes also cause the meat to be in the stool blood test is positive, also
Of the reasons for the presence of blood in the stool is a real anal hemorrhoids associated with constipation, and sometimes be caused by growths in the rectum to the diet or cancer of the colon symptoms.

In such case your wife can be re-analyze the stool again and again (each 24 hours) after you stop taking iron pills that were dealt with, and stop eating meat for 48 hours, the result was negative both times, it can monitor the situation, control of symptoms, and patient, and the telescope does not work, especially since most of the symptoms that they complain of them have disappeared, and that fatigue and fatigue also disappeared, although they have regained the weight lost.

cancer of the colon symptoms must be repeated that the work of the telescope,We ask God to heal her soon.

What is the colon and what does it do?

The colon is about 1.0 to 1.5 m long section of the intestine, which is adjacent to the small intestine. It starts in the right lower quadrant (appendicitis - cecum) and proceeds from there to the top (the colon ancestry), then crosswise (transverse colon) to the left side down (colon descendants), later moving to an s-shaped curve (sigmoid colon ) in the left lower abdomen approximately 16 cm above the anus into the rectum (rectal) over.

The colon is the reabsorption of water and trace elements from the digestive juice of the small intestine, producing a molded solid bowel movement.

What are the causes of the colon tumors?

The exact causes for the emergence of The colon tumors are not known. Genetic changes in individual cells of the colonic mucosa leading to increased growth and division trend. There are still often initially benign polyps, which can then degenerate into malignant tumors of the colon.

There are also hereditary forms of the colon cancer, which require special treatment (so-called familial adenomatous polyposis or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer).

Finally, specific, long-lasting inflammation of the colon (see also: Inflammatory bowel disease - ulcerative colitis) lead to the formation of the colon cancer.

What are typical symptoms of the colon cancer?

The sign of colon cancer is very non-specific, so that elapses among the first signs and the diagnoses are often more than half of a year.

Evidence of a colon tumor may be longer-lasting conspicuous constipation but also diarrhea, bloating or increased wind outlets. The most important sign of a tumor of the colon mucosa and blood deposits are on the stool.

Should be investigated fully with such symptoms of colon: Although the most common cause of an admixture of blood in the stool is haemorrhoids (hemorrhoids, inflammatory diseases of the anal canal and see).

Alternately, any pain, weight loss and anorexia can also be caused by colon cancer.

What tests are used in diagnosing tumor in the colon necessary?

The main examination for the diagnosis and treatment planning of a colon tumor is the colonoscopy (colonoscopy), in a tissue sample can be taken. Alternatively, can also be performed a radiological examination after administration of a contrast medium enema (colonic enema). For tumors in the sigmoid colon also is a reflection of the rectum (proctoscopy) is required by a surgeon. For the avoidance of possible metastases (metastasis), an ultrasound examination of the liver and a chest X-ray is performed.

The majority of these studies can be performed as an outpatient. If the written reports of findings or x-rays be taken, these studies must be repeated, of course.

What purpose does the surgery and what surgery is performed?

The goal of surgery is to remove the tumor with an adequate safety margin and the removal of lymph nodes, which could be affected by a cancer tumor.

Depending on the location of the tumor, the remote part of the intestine between 15 cm and 1 m in length. The extent of the resection will be discussed in detail with each patient before surgery.

The two remaining intestine ends are connected after removal of the affected intestinal segment by a seam. The surgery is usually done by an approximately 20 cm long vertical incision in the middle of the abdomen. In appropriate cases, surgery can be performed in minimally invasive technique under video endoscopic control over several smaller cuts.

See also: through the keyhole surgery, which is minimally invasive surgery?

What surgical technique is useful to be decided by the surgeon for each patient individually? The surgery takes 1-3 hours.

Only with far advanced cancer or in complex emergency surgery a colostomy is required.

What preparation is required for surgery?

Prerequisite for a healthy recovery after the colon resection, careful preparation of the patient.

This includes not only general measures to improve heart and lung function (absence of cigarette smoking, breathing exercises with specific breathing coach, climbing stairs), especially the complete stool from the colon. This happens at least one day before surgery with the help of a special drink solution.

In addition, the abdominal skin using a cream hair is freed.

What complications are possible after the colon resection?

All sorts of complications and the risk that they occur are discussed in detail with the patient before surgery.

Beyond the immediate success of the operation decides whether the seam of the two remaining ends of bowel (anastomosis) healed without problems. A rare malunion of the intestinal suture may be expelled from colonized bacteria bowel into the abdominal cavity and thus lead to peritonitis. Such peritonitis can have life threatening consequences.

For this reason, the production of intestinal suture, a highly standardized and carried out with extreme precision of the operation. The rupture of the intestinal suture is fortunately very rare. Get as even a surgery on very well cleaned intestine still bacteria into the abdominal cavity, the station doctors eighth after the operation, particularly the signs of wound infection. Other complications that can occur with any procedure at an institution of the abdominal cavity is bleeding, injury to adjacent organs, angulation of the intestine and adhesions.

See also: What are the general risks and complications have a surgery in general?
Are there special techniques that are available in our hospital?

In suitable patients, the colon resection by 2-12 mm small incisions are made under video endoscopic control.

knowledge of the colon of humans

In humans, the colon runs approximately in the form of an inverted U. There are four sections:
Ascending colon: ascending colon
Transverse colon: transverse colon (transverse colon), to the right colonic flexure (flexure coli artery)
Descending colon: descending colon, after the left colonic flexure (flexure coli vein)
Sigmoid colon: Sigma-loop, sigma, sigmoid
In humans, the ascending colon is retroperitoneal (more precisely, secondarily retroperitoneal). The portion of the peritoneum, which connects the ascending colon to the posterior abdominal wall, called fascia of Toldt. The transverse colon is intraperitoneal, making it much more flexible, since it is not fixed to the same extent by the peritoneal sheath of the abdominal wall. There you will find only attachment points on the Radix mesocolon transversum (a peritoneal fold, the transverse colon, stomach and upper part of the duodenum contains) and (transverse connection between the stomach and colon) through the gastrocolic ligament. The descending colon is like its counterpart (secondary) retroperitoneal.
Morphological characteristics of the Grimm intestine are:
Haustra: visible bulges outside the colon wall
Plicae semilunar coli: inner visible wrinkles that distinguish externally as the constrictions of another haustra
Tapeworms: three outer longitudinal muscle strips (taenia libera, tenia mesocolica, Taenia omental)
Epiploic appendages: with fat-filled protrusions of the outer layer, tunica serosa
The arterial supply of the ascending colon via the right colic artery. The transverse colon is supplied by the artery, middle colic artery. Both arteries are disposals of the superior mesenteric artery. The descending colon is from the left colic artery from the inferior mesenteric artery supplies. The reason for this is found in embryology: It is this transition of the arterial supply, called the Cannon- Boehm-point is the transition from middle to the rectum.

the colon of carnivores 

The colon has to predators, in contrast to that of humans and herbivores, no tapeworms and a smooth surface. The sigmoid colon is not well trained in predators. The "U" is with them, due to the different body orientation, open to the rear.

the colon of herbivores 

Among the herbivores (herbivores) and also in some omnivores (omnivores) of the colon is partly modified substantially since it is still significant to the microbial digestion of cellulose. These structural variations mainly concern the ascending colon.
In horses, the ascending colon is also referred to as "large colon" because it is very spacious with about 3-4 m in length and about 100 liters. The large colon is superimposed in the form of two U-shaped loops (also referred to as a double horseshoe shape). The colon begins with a right ascending limb (ventral colon dextrum), suggests the flexure sternal (breast bone curvature) and moves to the left as the left ventral longitudinal position (ventral colon sinistrum) back towards the pelvic inlet. In Beckenflexur (pelvic flexure) it proposes is upwards and longitudinal position as the left upper (dorsal colon sinistrum) in the direction of the diaphragm. Where it bends to the right (diaphragmatic curvature, flexure diaphragmatic) and moves as right upper longitudinal position (dorsal colon dextrum) back to back and then goes into the transverse colon and descending colon on.
In the even-toed ungulates, rabbits and guinea pigs rolled in the colon ascending (ansa spiralis coli). In cattle, these loops into a flat spiral colon are placed in pigs to form a cone, the loops, similar to the shape of a beehive.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Sentinel lymph node mapping for adenocarcinoma of the colon does not improve the accuracy of tumor staging

In this study, the efficacy of sentinel lymph node mapping in patients diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer and an algorithm to predict a possible survival advantage using sentinel lymph node mapping and lymph node ultra-examination techniques favor of the best-case estimates are developed.
41 patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon carcinoma, who underwent a colectomy with curative intent, were studied prospectively. After mobilization of adenocarcinoma of the colon and mesentery were injected with 1-2 ml of the dye Isosulfanblau subserosa around the tumor. The first blue-stained lymph nodes were identified as sentinel nodes (sentinel node). Additional nodes were detected by the pathologist routinely by manual dissection of the mesentery. All nodes were processed routinely by histological examination with hematoxylin-eosin staining. To develop an algorithm to predict the possible survival advantage by sentinel node mapping and lymph node ultra-examination techniques, assumptions have been postulated on the basis of literature data. Any tendency was focused on the success of the techniques.

Three out of 41 patients (7%) no color was injected and they were excluded from further analysis. The clinical stage of the remaining 38 patients, distributed as follow: stage I: n = 10 (26%), stage II: n = 15 (39%), stage III: n = 11 (29%), stage IV: n = 2 (5%). At least one sentinel node was identified in 30 of 38 patients (79%). The mean number of detected sentinel node was two (range one to three). The mean total number of recovered lymph nodes was 14 (range seven to 45). In 26 of 38 patients (68%) of all nodes were negative. Sentinel nodes were positive and Nonsentinel nodes in two of 38 patients (5%). One of every 38 patients (3%) was sentinel nodes are the only positive lymph nodes. In nine of 38 patients (24%) were sentinel node negative and node positive Nonsentinel. Consequently, sentinel node mapping was only 3% might have been useful, but failed in 24% of patients in our study of the precise detection of lymph node metastases. To develop an algorithm to calculate the survival benefit, we found the following assumptions: a combination of disease stage I and II (0.5), proportion of the material that has been at the classified by using histologic examination with hematoxylin-eosin staining, the stage was too low and could be included in the more differentiated analysis of hidden nodes positive (0.15), number of occult positive nodes were detected by sentinel lymph node mapping (0.9), and survival benefit of chemotherapy (0.33). That would mean the proportion of patients who benefit from sentinel lymph node mapping and lymph node ultra-examination techniques, at 0.02 (2%).
Sentinel node mapping with isosulfan blue staining and routine processing of removed nodes improves the accuracy of staging in patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer is not. Even when using best-case assumptions, the percentage of patients who could potentially benefit from sentinel lymph node mapping, small.


This study was designed to: determine the efficacy of sentinel lymph node mapping in patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer, and create an algorithm to predict potential survival benefit by using best-case estimates in favor of sentinel node mapping and lymph node ultra-processing techniques.

Forty-one patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer with curative intent undergoing colectomy were studied prospectively. After mobilization of the colon and Mesentery, 1 to 2 mL of isosulfan blue dye around the tumor was injected subserosally. The first several nodes highlighted with blue dye was identified as sentinel nodes. Additional nodes were identified by the pathologist in routine fashion by manual dissection of the Mesentery. All nodes were processed in routine fashion by hematoxylin and eosin staining and bivalving. To create an algorithm to predict potential survival benefit of sentinel node mapping and lymph node ultra-processing techniques, assumptions were made using data from the literature. All bias directed toward that success of the techniques.
Three of 41 patients (7 percent) did not undergo injection of dye and were excluded from further analysis. Stage of disease in the remaining 38 patients was: I, n = 10 (26 percent), II, n = 15 (39 percent), III, n = 11 (29 percent), IV, n (percent 5) = 2. At least one sentinel node was identified in 30 of 38 patients (79 percent). The median amount of sentinel nodes identified was two (range, 1-3). Median total nodal retrieval was 14 (range, 7-45). All nodes were negative in 26 of 38 patients (68 percent). Sentinel nodes and nonsentinel nodes were positive in 2 of 38 patients (5 percent). Sentinel nodes were the only positive nodes in 1 of 38 patients (3 percent). Sentinel nodes were negative and highly developed nonsentinel nodes were positive in 9 of 38 patients (24 percent). Thus, sentinel node mapping would have potentially benefited only 3 percent, and failed accurately to identify nodal metastases in 24 percent of the patients in our study. To create a survival benefit algorithm, we assumed the following: combined fraction of stage I and II disease (0.5), fraction under taged by bivalving and hematoxylin and eosin staining that would have occult positive nodes by more sophisticated analysis (0.15); fraction of occult positive nodes detected by sentinel node mapping (0.9), and survival benefit from chemotherapy (0.33). Thus, the fraction of patients benefiting from sentinel lymph node mapping and lymph node ultra-processing techniques would be 0.02 (percent 2).


Sentinel node mapping with isosulfan blue dye and routine processing of retrieved nodes does not improve staging accuracy in patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer, Even using best-case assumptions, the percentage of patients who would potentially benefit from sentinel lymph node mapping is small.

Differentiation of adenocarcinoma of the colon symptoms sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma

Another question about adenocarcinoma of the colon symptoms and the Chinese doctor response.

Diarrhea for more than two blood in the stool weight loss on both sides of the anemia, lung metastasis

Want kind of help:

patient information: 69-year-old male, Ouzo
Disease description (time of onset, symptoms, etc.):

The doctor said that surgery unnecessary Will this situation there is no chance to treatment

Of treatment and whether there are allergies, genetic history:


Patients for the three colon cancer, chemotherapy indications. Available at the local cancer hospital or oncology hospitals do after formal treatment. Specific programs according to the patient's physical condition and the presence of hypertension, diabetes, etc. to consider with intravenous chemotherapy, oral chemotherapy.

(Xie doctor can strongly advise their patient, unable to understand the disease: because they can not face the above recommendations are for reference only, the specific diagnosis and treatment must go to the hospital under the guidance of a doctor!)


Try traditional Chinese medicine disease:

Differentiated in the sigmoid adenocarcinoma of the colon if found early can be treated, and the risk of long-term survival is still relatively high.


Whether the patient's condition can be treated mainly depends on the situation of the lesion, metastasis, and the overall quality of the patients, no obvious transfer, or small lesions, good physical condition of patients need active treatment phase for liver cancer, colon cancer esophageal cancer and other malignant tumors, their treatment is quite effective. Advanced tumors of the transfer of the significance of the treatment of surgical treatment with conservative and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. The advantages of Chinese medicine treatment in advanced adenocarcinoma of the colon is unique, for example, Professor Yuan Xifu balance the triple therapy, the therapy the use of Chinese herbal medicine treatment of adenocarcinoma of the colon, adenocarcinoma of the colon incidence etiology comes down to righteousness loss true, Phlegm and blood stasis, cancer drug knot together, and then focus on specific pathogenesis, righting tonic, Phlegm stasis attack drug Sanjie to restore the patient's blood and yin and yang balance, reflecting the Chinese medicine treatment of advanced colon adeno- the unique advantages of the cancer, to proceed from the patient as a whole, improve the cure rate of adenocarcinoma of the colon, and enhance the patient's own resistance, immunity.

adenocarcinoma of the colon patients ate

adenocarcinoma of the colon patients ate? This is the concern of many patients and their families, fear of accidentally eat the foods that cause the disease acceleration. I would like to know what foods should be noted that, ate this problem for patients with colon adenocarcinoma experts from Tianjin Zhong Shan Cancer Hospital to explain in detail.

adenocarcinoma of the colon patients to the attention of:

adenocarcinoma of the colon suffering choice of food should be digestible and nutritious, such as soup, rice soup, lotus root starch, etc... It is best to Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours to eat once a day 6 to 7 meals. After a week into the semi-liquid diet, choose protein-rich, low-fiber foods such as noodles, rice porridge, ravioli, etc., should also be smaller meals a day 5 to 6 meals. Two weeks after eating less residue digestible food, fasting whole grains and fiber vegetables such as celery, in order to reduce the intestinal burden.

Strong irritant of the intestinal tract of food, such as cold drinks, raw or undercooked food; alcoholic beverages are best not to drink; easy gas foods such as onions, sweet potatoes, broccoli, beans, radishes, etc. ; the smell of food, such as onions, eggs, chocolate, onions, shrimp, etc.; easy to produce and difficult to digest and could easily lead to the blocking of food, such as, persimmons, raisins, dried fruit, walnuts and fried food, etc., easy to cause loose stools food , such as curry, coffee, garlic and flavorings.

Patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon advised to eat easily digestible nutritious balanced diet, the dietary laws of life, usually pay attention to food hygiene, do not eat raw, cold, hard, fried, pickled food, contraindications alcohol and tobacco, to develop the good habit of regular bowel movements.

a problem about adenocarcinoma of the colon

This is one problem about adenocarcinoma of the colon of patient and doctor response I hope it help you.

awaiting the visit oncology / gastroenterology would like an opinion from specialists.

The patient is male and 55 years of age. Following sigmoid colonoscopy rectum were detected polyps pedunculate 7 with the following distances and dimensions: 10 cm from the edge: micropolipo, 30 cm from the edge of polyp pedunculated of 1 cm in diameter, 60 cm neoformation vegetans which occupies 1/3 of the lumen, 70 cm polyp pedunculated of about 4-5cm, 70 cm polyp pedunculated of about 1 cm, 100cm polypoid formation with a large base of plant of about 2 cm, in ascending polyp pedunculated of 2 cm. The biopsies showed the presence of adenocarcinoma of the colon and the remainder was due to villous adenomas with dysplasia among low-moderate. I would like to know how to proceed in these cases: instrumental analysis and if necessary surgical resection, and if so could explain the consequences life with one small part of the residual adenocarcinoma of the colon or if they were to perform a total colectomy should do something for the replace colon? Also being cancer chemotherapy is needed? As the last question I would like to know if in these cases are appropriate do a screening instrument to detect the presence of EGF-R and whether KRAS mutated? And if there were the target therapy was performed in all hospitals?

Thank you in advance for your attention and I know that my data cannot allow you to make the diagnosis, staging and survival and whatnot, but awaiting the visit I wanted to inform me.


Endoscopic diagnosis of a patient definitely has to be evaluated by the surgeon.

The type of intervention, total or partial resection of adenocarcinoma of the colon is closely tied to a fair and accurate endoscopic diagnosis. In practice, the endoscopist should assess (possibly with the help of chromoendoscopy to detect flat adenomas) extending toward the blind polyp and their endoscopic resection (and here is the experience).

At what level were the major adenocarcinoma of the colon? 

That the endoscopist should also refer to the site rather than from the cm from the anus (which has no meaning apart from the rectum) but according to the anatomic location. The octopus prosimale more also must be indicated by tattoo with china in order to provide the exact position of the surgeon.

It can therefore understand the importance of the role of the endoscopist in surgical decision.

The patient with adenocarcinoma of the colon resected or excised in toto will have a period of adaptation of intestinal function (variable from subject to subject), but then live a normal life.

The decision on chemotherapy, possibly supplemented by biological treatment must be postponed to the final staging of the tumor, which is based on pre-surgical investigations (CT, etc.) and the surgical piece (neoplasm, lymph nodes, etc...).

So I shall leave because even when we do not have clear ideas on the surgical decision (established on a proper endoscopy), the type of surgery and the staging of the disease.

So, if polyps are removed endoscopically beyond that level, the surgeon may opt for a partial resection of the colon.

Would be preferable if the account created correspond to the user requesting the consultation, both for greater transparency and to ease the professional response even from the already limited means with which it interfaces with the user.
Moreover, the absence of an user's history about adenocarcinoma of the colon and some physical data make it even more difficult to give precise directions.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

information you want to know about adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer

One form of adenocarcinoma of the colon. This stems from the usually epithelium lining the large intestine. Function known as adenocarcinoma of the colon and large intestine to absorb water from the stool and patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer usually report excessively hard stool.

Although adenocarcinoma colon cancer is not uncommon, are rarely found in young adults. Greater age is higher than chances of your suffering presumably from adenocarcinoma cancer and especially women over the age of 50 years to be most at risk of adenocarcinoma. In spite of adenocarcinoma of the colon found in all parts of the world, is found primarily in places of low-fiber diet that makes America, Europe and Australia soft targets.

information about adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer

Found usually adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer in people who have some of heredity polyposis or even non-glandular polyposis colorectal cancer, especially if family history is one of the first degree relatives. Genetic factors could be to some extent that may be present in adenocarcinoma of the colon of people in the age of adolescents. Certain types of polyps have the potential to malignancy. People having a diet high fiber low fat so far, especially with the high consumption of red meat that is most likely to suffer from adenocarcinoma. Even obesity is the cause of colon adenocarcinoma.

It is known adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer to spread after the invasion of the bowel wall. To cross the muscle layer of the bowel wall and the tumor enters the lymphatic vessels and spread to local lymph nodes as well as in the region. Sometimes it can also spread of the tumor through the bloodstream to the liver to other organs in the body including the lungs, bones and even the brain. If passed many of the tumors in the bowel wall then they float around the abdomen and small amounts of fluids, and can cover the seeds the intestine. Adenocarcinoma colon is known to produce small nodules inside the abdomen to irritate tissues causing the production of massive amounts of ascites. If the detection of colorectal adenocarcinoma in young adulthood and then the diagnosis can be really good as in the early stages of treatment by surgery is really easy and predictable. But once one has been penetrating the muscular wall of the tumor, only three-fifths of the total patients are able to survive another five years!

The treatment of choice for colon cancer in early adenocarcinoma is surgery. For tumors that are still going to get to the muscle layer in the wall of the bowel, and this will be therapeutic in more than 90% of cases. This is usually surgery to remove colon cancer primary tumor for all types of cancer other than those that have spread to distant organs.

For some more information about adenocarcinoma of the colon cancer.

For all information on the descending adenocarcinoma of the colon

Tips: Reply only to you and give advice! The following content and some in the prescription with caution! Before consulting the doctor of Chinese medicine!
Tips: I would like to provide web site advertising products, and treatments, treated with caution to prevent being took!

adenocarcinoma of the colon:
  What is colon cancer colon cancer is a common malignant tumor in the gastrointestinal tract. The highest incidence of 40 to 50 age group. The etiology is not yet very clear, but some diseases such as familial adenomatous polyposis, has been recognized that the pre-cancerous lesions; adenoma of the colon, ulcerative colitis and colonic schistosomiasis meat tooth swollen, and the occurrence of colon cancer is more closely related.

    Colon (including colorectal) adenocarcinoma of the colon, the common malignant tumors in the intestine. The etiology is not yet clear, but the occurrence of this disease and multi-less fat and fiber diet, adenoma-like polyps, colon schistosomes, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, adenocarcinoma of the colon bacillary dysentery, amoebic bowel disease and other disease closely related. About 40 percent of colon cancer located in the rectum and rectosigmoid song, the rest in the sigmoid colon, cecum, ascending colon, descending colon, transverse colon and liver and splenic flexure, etc. adenocarcinoma of the colon, the rest of mucinous adenocarcinoma of the colon and undifferentiated carcinoma, the general shape can be polypoid, ulcer type.

  Colon ring along the intestinal wall, adenocarcinoma of the colon spread along the intestinal longitudinal diameter of the upper and lower infiltration to the intestinal wall deep, in addition to lymphatic and blood transfer and local invasion to the intraperitoneal or along the suture, the incision surface diffusion. More common in middle-aged men, younger age, the incidence of adenomatous polyps.

     Colon cancer symptoms
Early symptoms of colon cancer, colon cancer late symptoms. Colon insidious onset, early only to see the fecal occult blood-positive stools, dysentery-like blood and pus, tenesmus gradually the blood, sometimes presented with intractable constipation, stool shape thinner or mushy stool or diarrhea alternating with constipation, these changes become colon cancer outstanding performance. Patients often have varying degrees of abdominal pain, often erosion, necrosis and secondary infection, such as occurs on the right is the right abdomen dull, sometimes postprandial abdominal pain.

     The left side of colon cancer is often complicated by intestinal obstruction, abdominal cramps, accompanied by abdominal distension and hyperactive bowel sounds and. Common abdominal mass in the right abdomen, is one of the manifestations of the right side of the colon prompt to late tumor surface can be nodular, generally can promote, is fixed to the advanced cancer, infection may have tenderness. Patients with colon cancer, there may be progressive anemia, fever, progressive weight loss, cachexia, hepatomegaly, edema, adenocarcinoma of the colon, jaundice and ascites, etc...

     Drug treatment of colorectal cancer (1) chemical drug therapy surgery patients chemotherapy is generally to a year and a half can be used two to three courses, commonly used drugs are 5 - fluorouracil (5-FU), can also be a joint ,5-FU, mitomycin, cyclophosphamide, each course of the total available 7 to 10 grams. Oral or intravenous administration, preferably added to the glucose solution infusion.
  Each 250 mg daily or every other day. adenocarcinoma of the colon, if the reaction is large, such as nausea, loss of appetite and weakness, leukocyte and platelet counts decreased to reduce each dosage, or increase the interval period. The myelosuppression obvious can be promptly discontinued. By oral gastrointestinal side effects than intravenous administration, but bone marrow suppression response to light. The medication should be noted that during the support treatment, and reduce the side effects of drugs. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy cannot be removed, control of tumor growth must alleviate the symptoms, but less effective and short duration, such as patients with poor general condition, side effects, but worse, should not be applied.

     Immunotherapy can improve the ability of patients to anti-tumor, has developed rapidly in recent years, such as interferon, interleukin, transfer factor, tumor necrosis factor, adenocarcinoma of the colon has become widely used, not only can improve the immunity of the patient, and can with the chemotherapy.

    Chinese medicine treatment can improve symptoms, enhance the body's resistance to disease, delaying the survival of patients with radiotherapy and chemotherapy with the use and can reduce the side effects of radiation therapy, adenocarcinoma of the colon chemotherapy.

Treatment of adenocarcinoma of the colon:
The preferred surgical resection, postoperative chemotherapy, Chinese medicine, immunotherapy, and good results. Scores of well-differentiated adenocarcinoma of the colon explain the relatively low degree of malignancy, the prognosis would be better, the treatment of choice is left colon resection, post-operative survival time of excision will be very long, post-operative intestinal obstruction vitamin deficiency, but not necessarily.
(A) surgery
(1) preoperative preparation ready outside in addition to routine preoperative colon surgery must be to do a bowel preparation including ? intestinal cleansing: surgery two days before into a small residue or residue-free diet; 1 to 2 days before the surgery service of laxatives, if constipation or incomplete bowel obstruction, where appropriate, a few days ahead of medication; cleansing enema, according to whether the defecation difficulties the day before surgery, or a few days. ? intestinal disinfection: to kill pathogens in the intestine, especially the common anaerobic bacteria such as Bacteroides fragilis, etc., As well as gram-negative aerobic bacilli. Drug former metronidazole (Flagyl), which can be used to sulfa drugs, neomycin, erythromycin, kanamycin neomycin, etc. Bowel preparation for surgery can reduce pollution, reduce infection favorable healing.

Some hospitals at home and abroad have taken the method of whole gut lavage bowel preparation by infusion or oral lavage fluid specially formulated by the tube (containing a certain concentration of electrolyte and intestinal disinfectant to maintain a certain osmotic pressure), the amount of 4 to 8 liters, squatting in the defecation on the device. Can be reached at the same time the purpose of intestinal cleansing and disinfection.

(2) surgical methods
Right hemicolectomy for cecum, ascending colon and hepatic flexure of colon Ministry of cancer. Resection range: 15 to 20 cm of terminal ileum, cecum, ascending colon and transverse colon and right half, together with their department membrane and lymph node. Hepatic flexure of the cancer still need to cut the transverse colon and gastroepiploic most of the right artery group lymph nodes. The removal was made after back colonic anastomosis or end-to-side anastomosis (sutured colon ends).
The right colon resection with preservation of the artery right colon resection colon resection colon artery

Surgical principles with patients of intestinal obstruction surgery before bowel preparation, such as the intestinal contents significantly reduced the patient's condition allows, can be used as a resection and anastomosis, but the surgery to take protective measures to minimize pollution. Such as the gut filling, patient can be used for tumor proximal colostomy, to be the patient's condition improved after the line two radical resection.

Can not make a wide range of radical mastectomy surgery principles of local tumor invasion or with the surrounding tissue and organs fixed cannot be removed, if the bowel obstruction or soon may obstructive, available tumor of the distal and proximal bypass operation, but also colostomy mouth surgery. If distant organ metastasis and local tumor still allow removal of the available local palliative resection to relieve obstruction, chronic blood loss, infection, poisoning and other symptoms.

(B) drug treatment
Within two to three courses in one patient chemotherapy after surgery is generally a year to year and a half, the commonly used drugs, primarily 5 - fluorouracil (5-FU), or in combination with mitomycin, cyclophosphamide, ,5-FU treatment total available 7 to 10 grams. Oral or intravenous administration, preferably added to the glucose solution infusion, 250 mg daily or every other day. If the response is such as nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, decreased white blood cell and platelet counts can be reduced each dosage, or increase the interval period. The myelosuppression obvious can be promptly discontinued. By oral gastrointestinal side effects than intravenous administration, but bone marrow suppression response to light.

The medication should be noted that during the support treatment, and reduce the side effects of drugs.

Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can not be removed, control of tumor growth must alleviate the symptoms, but less effective and short duration, such as patients with poor general condition, side effects, but worse, should not be applied.

Chinese medicine treatment can improve symptoms, enhance the body's resistance to disease, reducing the side effects of radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and some traditional Chinese medicine has a direct anticancer effect, such as diffusa, Scutellaria barbata, Arrowhead Mountain Solanum nigrum. When medication can be dialectical, disease into account, join Qingrejiedu blood tackling, and nourishing yin, expectorant relieves congestion, regulate and fortify the spleen and stomach drug.

Chinese diet
(1) Ling porridge: water chestnuts with 20, 1 spoon of honey, sticky rice amount. The water chestnut wash has broken put the crock adds water first boiled half a paste. ? into the amount of glutinous rice porridge, porridge cooked, add honey to taste and take. Often taken with stomach intestines role.
(2) Ouzhi Yuli Egg: Yuli 8 g, 1 egg, Ouzhi amount. Yuli and Ouzhi mix thoroughly into the egg, wet paper seal, steamed can. 2 times a day, every one, with the blood to stop bleeding, cooling blood, stool bleeding can be used.
(3) Qumai root soup: the fresh Qumai root 60 g or 30 g of dry root. First washed with Migan Shui, add water fry soup. One a day, with heat dampness.
(4) Poria eggshell powder: 30 g of Poria 9 g of egg shells. Poria and egg shells melt dry research into the end of Serve. 2 times a day, each one, with water delivery, this medicated with vegetables liver qi, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and obvious choice of the other can be selected Levin serving porridge.
(5) the Mulberry pork soup: 50 grams of mulberry, jujube 10, pork suitable

adenocarcinoma of the colon postoperative diet
A major physiological functions of the dietary treatment of the colon is fermented products absorb moisture and storage of food residue, the formation of faeces, colonic mucosa glands secrete thick mucus, this mucus is alkaline, and the stool. Colon suffering from cancer, the physiological function has been damaged; bowel function and general condition have been affected, such as diarrhea, constipation, body weight loss and other symptoms. If still do not pay attention to diet, eat some non-digestible food, as well as cancer-promoting foods will increase the colon cancer, so that the systemic failure. Patients with colon cancer, we must pay attention to the daily diet. Studies have shown that high-fat diet will promotes the occurrence of intestinal tumors, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, although it can reduce blood lipids, but the role of tumor promotion occurred. Cholesterol itself is not carcinogenic, but at the same time with gallstone acid reaction, tumor promotion, indicating that the gallstone acid is a cancer-promoting factors. Therefore, patients with colon cancer do not eat too much fat, total fat total below 30% of the heat, moving, and vegetable oil to the appropriate proportions, this is some information in adenocarcinoma of the colon postoperative diet.