In humans, the colon runs approximately in the form of an inverted U. There are four sections:
Ascending colon: ascending colon
Transverse colon: transverse colon (transverse colon), to the right colonic flexure (flexure coli artery)
Descending colon: descending colon, after the left colonic flexure (flexure coli vein)
Sigmoid colon: Sigma-loop, sigma, sigmoid
In humans, the ascending colon is retroperitoneal (more precisely, secondarily retroperitoneal). The portion of the peritoneum, which connects the ascending colon to the posterior abdominal wall, called fascia of Toldt. The transverse colon is intraperitoneal, making it much more flexible, since it is not fixed to the same extent by the peritoneal sheath of the abdominal wall. There you will find only attachment points on the Radix mesocolon transversum (a peritoneal fold, the transverse colon, stomach and upper part of the duodenum contains) and (transverse connection between the stomach and colon) through the gastrocolic ligament. The descending colon is like its counterpart (secondary) retroperitoneal.
Morphological characteristics of the Grimm intestine are:
Haustra: visible bulges outside the colon wall
Plicae semilunar coli: inner visible wrinkles that distinguish externally as the constrictions of another haustra
Tapeworms: three outer longitudinal muscle strips (taenia libera, tenia mesocolica, Taenia omental)
Epiploic appendages: with fat-filled protrusions of the outer layer, tunica serosa
The arterial supply of the ascending colon via the right colic artery. The transverse colon is supplied by the artery, middle colic artery. Both arteries are disposals of the superior mesenteric artery. The descending colon is from the left colic artery from the inferior mesenteric artery supplies. The reason for this is found in embryology: It is this transition of the arterial supply, called the Cannon- Boehm-point is the transition from middle to the rectum.
the colon of carnivores
The colon has to predators, in contrast to that of humans and herbivores, no tapeworms and a smooth surface. The sigmoid colon is not well trained in predators. The "U" is with them, due to the different body orientation, open to the rear.
the colon of herbivores
Among the herbivores (herbivores) and also in some omnivores (omnivores) of the colon is partly modified substantially since it is still significant to the microbial digestion of cellulose. These structural variations mainly concern the ascending colon.
In horses, the ascending colon is also referred to as "large colon" because it is very spacious with about 3-4 m in length and about 100 liters. The large colon is superimposed in the form of two U-shaped loops (also referred to as a double horseshoe shape). The colon begins with a right ascending limb (ventral colon dextrum), suggests the flexure sternal (breast bone curvature) and moves to the left as the left ventral longitudinal position (ventral colon sinistrum) back towards the pelvic inlet. In Beckenflexur (pelvic flexure) it proposes is upwards and longitudinal position as the left upper (dorsal colon sinistrum) in the direction of the diaphragm. Where it bends to the right (diaphragmatic curvature, flexure diaphragmatic) and moves as right upper longitudinal position (dorsal colon dextrum) back to back and then goes into the transverse colon and descending colon on.
In the even-toed ungulates, rabbits and guinea pigs rolled in the colon ascending (ansa spiralis coli). In cattle, these loops into a flat spiral colon are placed in pigs to form a cone, the loops, similar to the shape of a beehive.
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