Thursday, April 5, 2012

cancer of the colon symptoms to light

Cancer of the colon symptoms can be easier to detect. Using a newly developed medical contrast medium and advanced optics are dangerous polyps invisible made visible.

- It has been too little attention to Cancer of the colon symptoms. Cancers have been in the shadow of cancer of the prostate, breast and lung. We see this both in the media and in the research, said Geir Torheim by GE Healthcare.

In Norway, one of 24 women and one of 29 men colorectal cancer. Of the 3,500 victims annually, only about half alive five years after diagnosis.

- We believe it is very much to be gained by improving the diagnosis of this disease, says Torheim.

He has led a project to suggest that we can make it far easier to detect, and thus remove the most dangerous cancer polyphenol in the colon.


Contrast fluid is called GE-137 is "homing". This means that it is looking forward to cancer, after the patient has received the injected through a needle in your arm.

Cancer of the colon symptoms has apparently been quite easy to detect by colonoscopy in the colon. A tube with a camera on the end has made it possible to see the knot-shaped polyps. Through an instrument in the same line is polyps removed.

Now, one becomes aware that not only are these highly visible polyps that are dangerous.

- It was the Japanese doctors who first discovered that there are also some flat or sunken polyps in the colon. These are much harder to spot.

- Long believed that only Asians who developed these flat polyps in the colon, because it was only in Asia, they found them. Now we know that there were simply that the Japanese were better at detecting them, says Torheim.

New instrument

After about a half hour, the substance of GE Healthcare in Norway has developed, recorded in areas where there is cancer.
It is then the second part of this cancer project comes into play. It has in fact developed colonoscopy system and camera equipment used in the study to detect Cancer of the colon symptoms.

The new case in brief that the instrument now also sends out a strong red light. The contrast agent modifies the color of the red light, and the new camera equipment - along with the normal color image, detects this.

Making it easier for the surgeon

How can the job be much easier for the surgeon using camera equipment and monitor the operating table?

Contrast fluid is tested in animal models. The researchers are now working on a so-called phase one study in humans.

GE Healthcare has investigated the effect of the compound in healthy human volunteers. So far, they have not detected any adverse effects. However, studies like this must be done carefully and takes time.

These are lights on Cancer of the colon symptoms.

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